Saturday, December 6, 2014

Introducing Melissa

Hey friends,
It's almost the new year! And we are gearing up to be READY for a lot of new clientele in the next month or so. Melissa Knapton is joining our team, and we couldn't be more excited! I did a quick little interview with her, and want you to read it so you know more about the newest face at Forever Fit!

What’s your family story?  I am the mother of two beautiful girls (14) and (11).   I married my high school sweetheart of 16 years.  We are a very active family that loves to camp, hike, fish, hunt, play music together and more.

How long have you been involved in fitness?  I have always been involved in some sort of fitness all of my life.  I stay active from yoga, hiking, biking, running, weightlifting, and most recently playing on the women’s Canyon County Rugby team. I have even run The Dirty Dash.  I am also a National Physique Committee bikini competitor.  I hope to do another competition in the spring of 2015.  I hope to one day enter a Spartan Race. Hey, by the way she trainer HERSELF for her last show..pretty impressive I would say!!

Why are you becoming a trainer for Forever Fit?  Why not the YMCA or IAC?
I wanted to become a trainer for Forever Fit because I love the smaller atmosphere where I could really focus on my clients

What is your favorite quote that has helped you get through the tough times when you wanted to quit? “Your body can withstand almost anything. It’s your mind you have to convince”

What made you become a trainer?   I became a trainer because I love fitness and I love helping people anyway I can especially when it comes to being healthy.  I want to help my clients make healthy lifestyle changes not just meet their goal weight.  I would love for my clients to go home and help their friends and family to be healthier too…its contagious!

Favorite “on plan” meal?  Plain yogurt with chocolate protein powder, a bit of almond butter and maybe just a little more cocoa powder.  I’m kind of a dark chocaholic!  I also love scrabbled egg whites with oatmeal and shredded chicken breast.  Call me crazy but I like these foods even when I’m not on a plan.

 Favorite “off plan” meal?  My favorite “treat meal” is chicken, bacon, artichoke, thin crust pizza.  Okay now I’m hungry!

Favorite body part to work and favorite exercise?  I love to work out shoulders with the barbells and dumbbells with a mix of exercises. I don’t really have a favorite but if I had to pick one it would have to be weighted shoulder press on the Smith Machine.

Favorite type of cardio?   I like the Step mill and spin bikes for cardio indoors and I like to sprint outdoors, even though I’m not very fast.

When will you be starting? What will your availability be?  I am starting now and I am available Monday-Saturday.  Contact me for times.