Sunday, July 13, 2014


About 4.5 years ago I saw a picture of myself from Christmas eve and I promised myself I wouldn't wait another day. I promised myself for the last time, that I would never see a picture looking like that ever again.

My earliest recollection of being self conscious about my "fat body" was in the 4th grade. I remember crying to my mom that I was bigger than everyone else. I remember a boy asking me WHY I was bigger than him. I remember crying, again.

I went through high school, college, early marriage, two pregnancies and two babies. Always, always, always very self conscious about my fat body. Always looking for the next pill, next thing that could maybe make me smaller like everyone else around me.

My body image issues have been around a long time as you can see, but the day I realized I was going to do it right. I was going to lose the weight for good and I wasn't just going to lose the weight but I was going to get healthy and fit too.

Those are my January 1, 2010 progress pictures. Notice, I wasn't extremely obese. I had just had a baby 4 months ago and I remember the scale said 165 lbs. The thing you have to remember is that no matter what stage you are in-- YOUR body is what's important to you. 

I started making goals and tracking them down, marking them off one at a time. It was during this same time I was coaching weight loss competitions through my original blog over at

Long story short, I got fit. I got healthy. Was I perfect? NO! Did I still have some body image issues, yes. I think some of us will never recover from that to be honest. I just think we get better at dealing with it. and whispering a little louder than the voice that knocks us down inside our heads.

When I started group fitness instructing, I decided I wanted to personal train. And then I decided there wasn't enough people promoting LOVE. Promoting and modeling and coaching others how to love their body enough to change it.

I got passionate friends. I started working with amazing clients who turned into my dearest of friends. All of them. I am extremely close with all of them. We look out for each other, we have each other's back's.

Little while later, I had some drama with a local big gym. I set a goal then and there that I was going to open my own gym. At the time it was a crazy pipe dream... the further I got into my career, the closer that dream came to my reality and last week-- we signed on the dotted line.

THIS FIT CHICK MOM, is opening a gym. For now, it is a private personal training studio in Caldwell. Our new gym is named...

Personal Training & Nutrition

I am in the business of helping people become their best, most healthy self. I want YOU to learn to love yourself right now, so that you can make lifestyle changes that will last forever. I am not into these gimmicks of lose quick weight, take this or take that. I am in the business to show you how to fuel your body's, how to work your body'

s, and how to strengthen your minds so that in 6 months, in a year from have created your FOREVER body, the one you can be proud of because you fought for every pound or inch lost.

I am so humbled by the support of our community. We are ready to bring the finest personal training facility to Caldwell. I have big goals for FOREVER Fit, and I promise you--I wont rest til they're set in stone and the doors are wide open, to you--so we can get together and guide you in your journey to your best self.