Sunday, February 23, 2014

Progress Shot

Mom of one ready to rock that bikini with her little man this summer at the water park!!!

down 30 lbs
body measurements lost
4 inches on chest
.5 inches on the arm
6 inches on belly button
6 inches on butt
almost 2 inches on thigh

So proud of this girl. Staying consistent, eating clean, working out 4 days a week. Doing the busy mom thing!!!

My kids are going on a diet...

And by diet I mean, there mom and dad are going to to stop feeding them junk food all the time.

I know this sounds terrible but lately I have been noticing both my cute little kiddos kinda "chunking up." Of course this is normal for a 6 and 4 year old to do this before a growth spurt and while I would NEVER say anything of this sort to them--I mentioned it to my husband and we both feel strongly that we need to set a few more, better health rules in our home.

Often times, when we go to the gym--and the kids have to come a long, they complain a, instead of feeling guilty that they are sitting on the couch at the gym watching an hour of cartoons I bring them a "snack" which makes them happy. This is not typically the healthiest snack, it is fruit snacks, a leftover halloween candy or something of the sort.

But why do I do this? I don't eat those things on a daily basis, my husband doesn't eat those things on a regular basis--and I highly recommend that no one eats those things on a regular basis. I don't know what the deal is, I guess because I LIKE those things, and some where deep down inside I wish I could eat them and maintain the physique or a leaner one than I have while still eating them. So my kids are young, they don't need to worry about their weight, they can eat them if they want. It's part of being a kid. Treats! Candy! Sugar!

Well, that thinking isn't really in align with what I preach and I worry that I am not setting my kids up for success with their body image, and with their athletics if I don't start instilling better health practices in them now.

So the kids are going on a diet. No more fruit snacks to go to the gym. I make time for my workout every day and now that it is getting nicer outside, I will make time to be active with them. We actually started this a couple weeks ago in doors, playing red light, green light--simon says--hide and seek and other silly games at home in the living room. Today though, we took a hike out at the lake and searched for different color rocks, we looked for birds, threw rocks into the water, and raced each other. It was great fun! And we got to be active together! The best way to teach my children is to show them! Not tell them. So I vow to do better.

On the way home of course, they were hungry and wanted "ice cream." Well they had ice cream with their gramma last night so that wasn't happening. We made some quick granola balls that they love
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1/2 c old fashioned oats
Roll into balls and fridgerate for 5 minutes.

They are delicious, and no--not super nutritious but much better than a bowl of ice cream or a pack of fruit snacks. So I can feel good about that.

I have been working so much lately that we haven't been doing many dinners together as a family either. This is my last week of crazy town work hours though and I stocked up on some healthy groceries yesterday for dinners this week, I will just make them earlier in the day so they can be reheated for dinner with daddy or with a babysitter. Also, often times they wont WANT what I cooked. Roast, potatoes and cooked carrots tonight, well they had two choices--
eat, or don't.

We have decided to stick to our guns more on this because we end up feeding them a convenience food (hot dogs, or peanut butter and honey sandwich) while we eat a healthy dinner. That's dumb. And they do like healthy foods, but sometimes they have to be pushed to try things that are out of their comfort zone. So the stuffed spaggetti squash this week might be a battle, but in the end, they'll try it, eat it or not, but that will be their choice. I am the mom and I control what food I bring into my home. Now, don't get me wrong--I am not going to force them into eating nasty grown up food all the time--I also will make turkey spaggetti, with garlic bread and they LOVE that. I just have to make the time and make it a priority to have it for them.

Oh and carrots. Raw baby carrots. Those kids go to town on those, I have to remind myself everytime I am at the store to grab a bag. Having healthy options at reach is key for this to work!

What about you? Do you eat the same food as your kids do all day? Are you a CLEAN eater, or like us, a CLEANish eater?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Time for a Change has been my blogging home since I started my weight loss journey in 2010, 3 months after I had my second and last baby. It was then that I decided to make a challenge for friends and family to help each other lose weight and through that time period a spark ignited in me and I not only lost MY extra weight, but I helped lots of other people stay committed to their goals of losing their weight too.
I at some point really need to put my story into a good long post for people to understand and see me for who I was, who I am and who I am becoming but for now, quite honestly I am trying to keep my head above the water.
Balancing many hats has never been my strong suit. I usually am able to do just a couple things, very well, at one time. And the time has come to narrow that focus for me. So it is with that, I need to close the chapter to pound pinching and open the further connections I can have in the world as the fit chick mom. My business is growing rapidly and I am so thankful for those who have stood and continue to stand around me as I embrace the passion that God has given me, for helping people realize their true potential in the health and fitness industry.
It is not enough that we survive each day, going through the motions. We must thrive. We must thrive through becoming the very best versions of ourselves that we can become. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured. Through living our lives in a fit and healthy manner we learn that we can become unstoppable in all areas of our lives. We learn the true importance of caring for THIS body, the only body we are ever going to receive and all the amazing feelings that come with true health and balance in our lives. 
The day that I realized that I received as much exhilaration from accomplishing my own goals, as I do from helping others achieve theirs, is the day I knew I found the calling the Lord wanted me to have. A good boss once asked me "If I could put myself aside to help others achieve greatness in themselves," and I am so fulfilled, every single day by having the gift of being happy and humbled to be able to be a part of people's journeys. I know YOU can do this. You can make these changes you came here seeking to find inspiration for. You can become your most fit, most healthy, most sexy hot self. You CAN do this. You can find joy in the journey to get there, and I can help you-- #yougotthis

(if we aren't friends on facebook yet, ADD me! Let's be fit friends! Teri Tatman Hoeksema